The Family Dynamics of a Psychiatric Crisis Part 3: The Parents' Speak
In Part 3 of their in-depth series on the impact of a psychiatric crisis on the family, the topic is the parents’ perspectives and stories of the intricate roles of a parent when dealing with a child with mental health issues. Two guest parents speak with unflinching candor and deep personal knowled...
2024 Mindfulness Favorites
With the holidays all around, this episode is an annual tradition for Helen and Valerie. For some of us, this time of year is emotionally charged due to the pressures and expectations of the holidays. Individuals can become stressed out, depressed, anxious, exhausted. For others, the joys of the sea...
The Family Dynamics of Psychiatric Crisis—Part Two: Caregivers Talk Turkey to Caregivers
In Part Two of the series Family Dynamics in a Psychiatric Crisis, Valerie and Helen have a frank, candid conversation with Valerie’s sister and husband, who were the principal caregivers during her severe mental illnesses and behaviors. The result is Caregivers Talk Turkey to Caregivers, where they...
The Family Dynamics of a Psychiatric Crisis--Part One: Personal Perspectives from a Sibling and a Spouse
When a family member faces a mental health challenge, family relationships can become formidable and problematic, while being loving and supportive, as well. The complicated nature of these relationships has launched Helen and Valerie on a five-episode series – The Family Dynamics of a Psychiatric C...
OCD: The Reality, the Research, the Recovery—Part Two
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is so vast and perplexing, Valerie and Helen devoted two episodes to OCD. They discovered a complex and harrowing mental illness often trivialized and misunderstood by those who don’t have it. To legitimize the severity of the disorder, they turned to the experts. In Pa...
OCD: The Reality, The Research, The Recovery -- Part One
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, OCD, is an illness many people trivialize because they don’t understand it. OCD proved to be a condition so vast and complex that Valerie and Helen divided it into two episodes. In this first episode, they explore the components of OCD: diagnosis, causes, symptoms, tre...
Overcoming My Eating Disorder: One Woman's Story
Eating disorders are pernicious and powerful, with dangerous symptoms and sometimes lethal consequences. However, researchers and scientists are developing effective methods to treat them. Valerie and Helen share some of the most recent breakthroughs in eating disorders treatment. Though these disor...
The Healing Power of Animals and Pets
The Healing Power of Animals and Pets is a revelation and celebration for Helen, Valerie and listeners everywhere. The positive impact of animals on people with mental health challenges is as uplifting as it is irrefutable. Science shows that the closeness and touch of a pet can stimulate mood-enhan...
It’s More than a Job: The Role of Work in Mental Health Recovery
In this important episode, Valerie and Helen explore the subject of work and its critical role in recovery. For people with a mental health condition, work is a weighty challenge that can evoke anxiety and fear, hopes and dreams. Given their extensive backgrounds in the workplace, both successes and...
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